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Be here now

Women empowering women. When they come together they are unstoppable. On November 12th    "The Be Here Now" Monaco Based ladies group gathered online so that the ladies living in France could enjoy  a motivational talk with

Women empowering women.

When they come together they are unstoppable.
On November 12th    “The Be Here Now” Monaco Based ladies group gathered online so that the ladies living in France could enjoy  a motivational talk with three inspirational Amazon best-selling authors of the recently published book Lady X.

Transform your life through writing

Here are their wonderful tips and link to their book which is now #1 best-
seller in France,UK,Italy and India.


Beverley Holt, Holistic entrepreneur, PSYCH-K practitioner, Brain entrainment facilitator and  Meditation Teacher, RMN and RGN.

Journaling is proven to be one of the best ways to reduce anxiety and stress, improve many physical ailments, boost your immune system and increase your levels of happiness and improve your memory. It is the best way to cultivate a relationship with yourself and also dive deep and heal past hurts.
Keeping a journal helps you create order when your world feels like it’s in chaos. For some of us our lives feel like that now in lockdown and/or with all the restrictions and mask wearing. ournaling will help you get to know yourself by revealing your most private fears, thoughts, and feelings.

So how should you start?

  • First make a journal action plan for minimum 21 days so you can create a habit.
  • Buy a journal your drawn to and also a pen as they will become your  best friends.
  • Set up an area in your home or office where you know you can switch  off.
  • Maybe diffuse some essential oils /or play some music to get you in the mood and  suit your mood.
  • Have something familiar close by like your favourite blanket or jumper as a comforter.
  • Some people like to set up an alter with their favourite crystals or various artifacts…whatever floats your boat.
  • I highly recommend journaling at the same time each day for 20 minutes.
  • Set a topic/theme for each day.
  • Start with a meditation. It could simply be to close your eyes, take in a few deep breaths -breathing in love and breathing out love. Place your hand on your heart and focus on sending all the healing breath there. When you feel your heart is full, send it around your body, your room your building your city, all of nature and around the world. Give gratitude for all you are and all you have. Open your eyes and start writing.
  • Write whatever feels right- if you feel stuck choose a topic you are passionate about.  You don´t need to follow any particular structure. It’s your own private place to discuss whatever you want. Let the words flow freely. Don’t worry about spelling mistakes or what other people might think.
  • Look at your writing time as personal relaxation time. It’s a time when you can de-stress and wind down.
  • Write in a place that’s relaxing and soothing, maybe with a cup of tea
    or glass of wine.
  • Look forward to your journaling time and  know that you’re doing  something good for your mind and body.

Enjoy everyone and I´m very happy for you to contact me if you have any questions.

A few people asked me if I´d run a weekend transformational journaling weekend.

I shall plan something for 2021



Mirav  Tarkka, Former IDF sergeant and female self-defence expert, a Power coach with her own unique method combining mental and physical strength. Founder of Pepper coaching and international bestselling author and publisher of 5 books. A Public speaker, trainer and a very proud single mother of two beautiful daughters.


“POW” (Power Of Warrior) method.

•   We each have what I call “Power Of Warrior”, which is the
fighting spirit in each one of us. The will to live, the will to survive, the
power to keep on going, keep pushing forward.

•  That power serves us when we need to survive great situations and challenges, but if we don’t, that power loses its strength.

Within life we get tired, exhausted and our POW isn’t trained. This is why people feel they lose their will power, determination, motivatio etc.  But we can get it awaken again, even not just by survival mode.

• How can we use that "power of warrior" not just for survival but to become unstoppable in achieving our goals? How can we adapt the “fighter’s” mindset, determination, and training, to awaken that fighter’s spirit in us and conquer what we wish?

• Physical training is the fastest, healthiest way to awaken your warrior. Anything that pumps in Adrenalin and Dopamine and makes you feel unstoppable. Exercise, climbing a mountain, dancing, sex, laughter…. this pushes you into a positive vibe, but also into a seemingly  “drunken” situation, where you really can push your limits.

• The main 3 steps to achieve ANY goal are: Clarity, Vision, and planning (I call in “plan of attack”).

•  How to use these 3 steps with the Power Of Warrior to gain them:

1. Gain clarity by sitting and writing your current situation, where you are right now, what works and what doesn’t work, straight after (or during) your excersize.

2. Same regarding your vision.

3. Creating a plan of attack, a bullet proof determined plan to achieve that goal and to stick to it. Always plan a plan B.

• Create now your own roadmap for your next goal using this power and method in 3 steps.

Contact: miravmaria@hotmail.com

Heidi de love: : Business Consultant, editor and author


• We all have a story inside of us, never be afraid of sharing your story!

• Look at communication as gardening, the more vocabulary you have the more flowers you have to choose from so lots of reading!

• Remember that we plant in other people’s gardens including our children.

• Seeds may not grow the next day, sometimes years later and they can grow into flowers or weeds, your choice!

• What goes out, can’t go back in.

• Control your communication as much as possible, walk away to collect yourself before you say something you regret.

Communication with ourselves is just as important, listen to yourself,
you usually carry the truth inside you.


Review overview