Unique New Year’s Resolution to start the Year
Every year is a chance to reinvent yourself. Generally, at the end of the year, you would be coming up with a lot of resolutions that will help in your life.Those resolutions might be specific

Every year is a chance to reinvent yourself. Generally, at the end of the year, you would be coming up with a lot of resolutions that will help in your life.Those resolutions might be specific or general ones.

Here, we compiled some general resolutions that we believe will help you become a better person.

Do the same old things that are working best for you.

Every human being is unique with their own personality and circumstances. So, the things that work for you might not work for others and vice versa. So, it is best to stick to the things that are already working the best for you rather than trying the things that work for others and forcing them to work for you.
Do the same little things that are making you rise above.

You don’t need to make huge leaps every time to reach new heights. The great result lies in the small but consistent steps you take to achieve it. So, instead of putting everything in and burning yourself out, do the same little things in the direction of your aim and make incremental but consistent steps towards it.

Do the same shallow things that you enjoyed moving on from.

Humans are not perfect and there would be things that you want to move away from or not delve too much into. This new year is a perfect time to start slowly moving away from the shallow things that you don’t want to get deep into. That might be a bad job or a bad relationship or any other thing!
All the new beginnings need not always mean to begin something new.

Novelty is a nice thing to aim for, but not all things need to be strictly new to be enjoyable and lovable. You can get some “new” experiences and beginnings from an already existing one. That is, instead of always trying to get new experiences and forgetting the old ones, have new beginnings and experiences from the people/things that you already have in your life. This sometimes can make you happier than trying out everything new!

Cherishing, nourishing, and flourishing the same old's is also a new beginning.

So how can you have a new beginning in the same old’s? Sounds a bit contradictory? It doesn’t need to be! You can in fact get something new out of the same old’s. Cherish the people/things you have and how fortunate you are right now having them in your life. Nourish the relationships to their best form and let them flourish. You can find great joy and meaning in it too.
In the view of size and scale of the universe in both space and time, human lives are tiny to the point negligible in comparison. But to us, this is the only time we got. In this time, let us live our lives to the fullest. This New Year, let’s turn all the “good”s into “better”s.