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What’s Happening in Monaco!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text] Women on Top Monaco was up close & Personal with Katerina Pirelli, the founder of Borneo Wildlife Preservation. Borneo wildlife preservation is a US-based not for profit organization to protect Borneo Pygmy Elephants from extinction. Pygmy

Women on Top Monaco was up close & Personal with Katerina Pirelli, the founder of Borneo Wildlife Preservation.

Borneo wildlife preservation is a US-based not for profit organization to protect Borneo Pygmy Elephants from extinction. Pygmy elephants are the smallest elephants in the world. Their size and deforestation leave them vulnerable to poachers & human-elephant conflict. The human-Elephant conflict has become a threat to biodiversity conservation.

Katerina has taken it upon herself to protect the species. BWP hosted a lunch this week to raise awareness and funds for the protection of the endangered Borneo Pygmy Elephants.

It was tastefully executed at the Salon Mistrau of the Fairmont Monte Carlo in partnership with Club Vivanova, with all social distancing and sanitary measures in place as per government regulations.

Wildlife Presentation


Presentations made by BWP President Katerina and Christian Moore, Film Producer and Founder of Global Environment Media the purpose of which was to create awareness to involve the audience and bring them together to support this cause.

“She believes So she does” – Katerina beautifully explained how it’s simple small steps that can make the change. Be conscious of your daily purchases n actions. Reuse n recycle your products and don’t buy animal parts or products. And report trade of elephant tusks, skin & feet, and illegal ivory trade.

On a lighter note, you know a fact about elephants that elephants eat constantly to the extent that they can spend up to 3 quarters of their day eating. Well, guess what we spent our entire afternoon eating and Complîments to the chef at the Fairmont for the amazing curation of the menu and the amazing vegan options.

The giveaways of Green Coffee and the charitable Tambola with exciting prizes were the icings on the cake!

“Elephants have an incredible Memory & when you attend an event like this, I can justifiably say so do I ” not forgetting this one in a hurry – #shalinisays


Bradley Mitton, Clubvivanova

Christian Moore Biodiversity Supporting Speech


Supporting Organizing Team


Cris Egger, Katerina Pirelli, Shalini Arora Kochhar, Nancy Caburnay



Shalini Arora Kochhar – Founder of Women On Top Monaco at the event


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